Event: | August 14, 1747, 12:01 PM | |
in: | Kandahar (Afghanistan) | |
Sun: | 21°01' Léo | |
Moon: | 0°22' Sagittarius | |
Ascendant: | 14°42' Scorpio | |
Midheaven: | 20°10' Léo | |
Numerology: | Birthpath 5 |
Popularity: selected 1,596 times, 73rd event
Astrology: database updated Friday, 14 January 2011 at 11:43 pm, CEST
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The dominant planets
Why is it interesting to study an event's astrological chart? The natal chart, dominant planets and their distribution for "AFGHANISTAN : HOROSCOPE, MUNDANE CHART" for example? Because a branch of astrology analyses events by referring to the astrological chart of their creation or beginning. Thus, it is possible to cast the chart for a company, a city, a country, an earthquake, a scientific discovery and so forth.Through chart analysis and forecast, this branch of astrology provides information about the quality of a given event and reviews its positive or negative potential (success of a company, a project, an encounter etc.). Or it can simply allow you to analyse the static natal chart itself (natural disaster, invention etc.) for astrological research purpose.
Of course, in the case of these mundane or specific event charts, an astrological portrait is irrelevant. But all the rest remains valid: dominants, statistics for the positions of planets, signs, houses etc. These kinds of charts' interpretative techniques constitute a full-fledged discipline in itself, different from that of personal charts.
One must be careful when interpreting those event charts for two reasons: firstly, the major difficulty is to determine the exact date that symbolizes the event - and the exact time if possible. If we take, for example the creation of a company, there are several possible dates: the date when the partners agreed to create it is a first possibility; the date the statutes were registered, or the date of the company's legal incorporation, shortly afterwards, are also valid. We could also imagine that the date and time of the creation of its name also represent its birth. In any case, the issue is to identify "what symbolically represents best the creation of that event". This is the real first difficulty, in most cases.
The other reason why one must be cautious is only because this discipline is more difficult to study - its outcomes are less reliable than those of a personal chart. Good results are yielded, indeed, but pleading in favour or against it is not the point here. The technique exists, just as mundane astrology and the study of planetary cycles are there to explain world events located in space and time.
Therefore, these pages give the natal chart of "AFGHANISTAN : HOROSCOPE, MUNDANE CHART" with the position of planets, signs and houses, as well as the graphs of the dominants and planetary distributions.
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